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Better Than The Best BY JAMES OH

Better Than The Best BY JAMES OH
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Tuesday, 31 May 2011


Dear readers,

I was so excited to know so many authors who have expressed their willingness to allow me to blog their stuff here. I trust you too find it not only interesting, but also inspiring especially those who want to pursue this line as their careers.

With this, trust it will add more colours in our life, but also as a drive for you to share the untold story, from your walk or life you have gone through, just like some of them that I have blogged out much earlier. Your story may be as great as theirs because you have not given yourself a chance to express them out. I am a strong believer that everyone of us have more than a story to tell through your own life. Do not worry if you don't have it now. This is because you have not discovered it yet. So, continue to read and slowly and surely you will discover it.

Today, I have been given the pleasure to present you another writer, whom I got to know from the Goodread Social Network. After reading through his unique profile, I discovered that he began writing on his 18th birthday and who did not get it published despite he has completed it within a couple years thereafter. At that time, though he was just trying to fill up the hours of his day. This does not deter him to publish it in 2010 and make his first dream a reality.

This guy is none other than Carroll Bryant, 36 years, born and raised in Columbus, The United States. He felt funny that he never attempted to get them published much earlier. This is mainly attributed by lack of desire or inner drive. As we all are fully aware that it is one of the main success ingredients which no one afford not to have. Here, perhaps you like to share with us how you fan up your inner drive. I would say that I managed to do so mainly by reading healthy, inspiring and motivational stuffs frequently through books, blogs, tapes, webminars and seminars whenever I have chance to do so.

A late bloomer who has talents, is passionate with life and started writing songs and poetry on his 18th birthday. Luckily, he begin to transfer all his works from floppy's disc to CDR currently. I can imagine how tedious and painful is this lengthy process, which he had to go through before he can get his work out finally. This is because I am also a late bloomer like the author who had gone through the initial stage of computerisation, from the mainframe to iphone technology. This triggered memories of those old days, before paper was created and to preserve all these knowledge, our ancestors had to even carve it into bamboo slips or stones they could find at that time.

This fascinating guy did not stop from there, but continue to make his second dream happened. He got his first book published in May last year, Children Of The Flower Power. Though I have not read his book yet, my gut feeling reveal to me that you will find it worthy to be read. So, grab hold of the book and enjoy your discovery and let us know your feedback thereafter.

And last, but not least I wish him a big Success and hope that he has a chance to drop by and air his comments especially on those poems and songs I have written and published here. Thank you in advance.

James Oh

Skype me at james.oh18

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